Oculus Project Blog - Where Angels Meet | Week 5 (7/9 - 7/15)

Personal Observations/Progress

Production Progress

Ongoing Task: Contractors

My concept artist sent me the first rendering of the angel character, however I'm not 100% happy with the result. The references and sketches I provided hinted at a more abstract interpretation of an Angel. Also, I was expecting to receive illustrations and not a model render, which left me puzzled. Outside of the time constraints of the project, I probably would've extended my search a bit further for a local concept artist. I'll work with him to push the figure a bit further before engaging the modeler. 

Concept artist's first pass

Concept artist's first pass

My edits to the initial render

My edits to the initial render

Task: Scene 1 Building

I have spent much of this week working on the first and most detailed scene for my project. It is a large structure with multiple rooms, lights, textures, etc. It's been a challenge to essentially build a structure in Unity from purchased assets, but it has been going well. Although this is probably one of the most time consuming parts of the project, I actually enjoy it. This has been one of the largest, single-levels I've ever worked on in Unity. Hopefully, it will run smoothly in the completed demo. So far, it is easily walkable in the Rift tests. I'll likely continue working on this setting next week and hopefully finish by Wednesday.

top down view of the hospital scene in Unity

top down view of the hospital scene in Unity